Sitting in very warm baths can help. DON'T squeeze it. That will just make the pain worse. It will come to a head on it's own. If I have one I wipe it with an alcohol wipe several times a day, usually after going to the bathroom just to keep the area clean. There is a product called Boil Ease, you can google it online, that can help with the pain and is supposed to help it come to a head faster. Actually, I accidentally found that orasol gel, the kind you use for tooth and canker sore pain, the maximum strength with 20% benzocaine really helped with the pain. After it comes to a head I usually put some antibacterial ointment on it like neosporin until it's healed. Sometimes mine come to a head, but since I started wiping them with an alcohol wipe and soaking in the tub as soon as I notice it, more often than not they just get bigger for 2 or 3 days and then start going down on their own. The orasol gel makes the pain bearable for those few days.