Body Odor Question

Updated on August 22, 2010
S.G. asks from Midland, MI
10 answers

I have been using the same anti-persperent for years, Degree for Woman in the baby powder smell. I have never had any issues, it always worked well. I am a clean person and shower daily and put my deodorant on a few times a day just to refresh it. Even when I played alo of sports and would get sweaty I would never smell. I had a baby 4 weeks ago and now I feel like I stink! I can smell my underarms when Im moving around alot! My mom said she has never smelled anything coming from me but I still feel embarrassed! This is my 3rd child and I never had any issue after I had my older 2 so I dont know if its cause of him, my hormomes or what it is! Has anyone else used the same product for yrs and just had it stop working? Can anyone reccomend a good deordorant to try? My husband and I are getting divorced so in the next month or so Im looking to start dating again and I dont wanna be stinky! lol.....thanks!

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answers from New York on

I have always had the same problem. I would always need to change brands because I feel like I would become "immune" to each one! II have been using Secret Clinical Strength now for about a year and a half. It is the only deoderant that I have been able to use for this long. Once you use it you wont use any other again!! Good luck with everything =)

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answers from Toledo on

I'm sorry I don't have much help for your question. But I have quite alot to say to some of these mom's. HOW IS YOUR RESPONSE HELPFUL???

Unless you personally know S. and her situation, which she didn't ask help with or give any background info on, how can you judge her so? This forum is suppose to be SUPPORTIVE and HELPFUL for mom's from mom's. To help each other out...not tear them down.

S., I am sorry for your situation with your new baby, divorce, and deodorant troubles. I use Suave, but in this heat, I sweat and smell too. Having a baby always changes all parts of our bodies. I always smelt for a few months after having a baby. Not just under the arms, but from the bleeding too. I would try a differnt type and give yourself some time from having the baby. Best of Luck!

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Gotta say I'm with Dyreka on this O..
Not that the stink isn't upsetting but......

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answers from Provo on

Sorry this is a little late, but looking at your profile I couldn't help answer. Often times companies will change their formula's for products. My friend has a lot of skin allergy's and she usually uses Almay something or another for years and then she bought a new bottle and she broke out like crazy and had red skin, the works! Till she stopped using it and tried a different formula by Almay. She said that happens about every 2 years. I'm not sure why they do it. But it's stupid. So that could have been it.


answers from Norfolk on

While it's possible your body chemistry has changed, it's also possible your sense of smell has sharpened. My mother always had a very sensitive nose, but once I had my son my nose became just as sensitive as her's ever was. Starting dating with your youngest being about 8 weeks old? You've got a lot more energy than I had when my son was that old.


answers from Fresno on

You know, I was just talking to another mom at my daughter's ballet class the other day and we discussed the same issue - how we both noticed that body odor seemed way worse after our kids were born (I have 2 kids, this other mom has 3 kids). I actually think that it has something to do with stress hormones, because I have noticed in the past couple of weeks now that my work has become extremely stressful, that my deodorant isn't working as well as it did. When you think about it, your life is pretty stressful - you just had baby #3 and you are going through a divorce. If that isn't stressful, I don't know what is! I have also noticed with both of my daughters, even though they are young, that they tend to get body odor when they are really stressed out (exams at school, that kind of thing).

As far as a brand recommendation, the clinical strength ones seem to work best, but they are kind of pricey. I have used the Degree clinical strength kind and it worked really well.

Best of luck with everything! Congrats on your new baby!


answers from Detroit on

I've always had to change my antipersperant (sp?)/deodorant brand after about 2yrs of use. I've always been a sweaty person though. And hormones are likely the biggest culprit. I am currently using Secret. I usually have 2 different brands on hand for just this reason. My other favorite brand is Dove.

Good luck on your divorce! : ) I was going through a divorce while pg with my son... My son is from my 2nd husband (not the one I was in the process of divorcing). : ) Don't let any comments get to you mama!



answers from Oklahoma City on

This same thing happened to me, when my son was about 10 months old or so, I started to notice i was stinky some days. I was still nursing him so I thought it might have been related to the hormones I was producing. Nothing really helped, even after I would take I shower I would still be stinky. No perfumes or deodorants would help. I even asked my hubby if he noticed the smell and he said he did! I was so embarassed! But then just like that it went away. Hopefully it's just the change of hormones and it will get back to normal soon. Good luck!


answers from Detroit on

Same thing happen to me, used the same products for years and all of a sudden they stopped working. I use secret clinical strength and it works well. I also use antibacterial body wash (Sams 3 big bottles for $7) and wash my hair every day.



answers from Indianapolis on

I had the same problem quite a few years ago. It was after kids as well. Used Secret deodorant since I started using it and then "boom" out of nowhere it just didn't work anymore. And yes, women's hormones change alot and this is more than likely the reason for it. I use Lady's Speed Stick-Shower Fresh, much better.

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