I'm so into it! I love, love, love bureaucracy and red tape!!!
What we DEFINITELY need is more legislation, ESPECIALLY when it comes to medical procedure.
We need to protect women and nurses from having to make their own choices. I mean, women are overly sensitive and emotional. Nursing is one field predominantly staffed by women. Can we really trust women to make good decisions? ESPECIALLY pregnant or laboring women. Nobody is crazier than a pregnant woman!
What do babies need? POLICY!
When you make something more difficult to obtain, the need and desire for it will disappear right? RIGHT? Bloomberg is basically the father of breastfeeding. I heard he actually invented the breast. Yup.
(Okay, now seriously...)
Women don't need more shame. We don't need more regulations placed on our bodies and we don't need to be controlled more tightly.
What we do need more of is support, community, equal opportunity in the workplace and housing, equal distribution of labor in the home, and affordable, excellent prenatal and postnatal medical care. We need entry level positions in the workforce that are able to support breastfeeding, longer maternity leaves, PPD intervention/respite programs, preventative education, lower rates of domestic violence, etc. Programs that provided these things would be helpful in increasing our breastfeeding rates.
Stressed out, unhealthy, overworked, sad, tired women are not, no matter how many guilt trips you place on them, going to have an easy time breastfeeding (or parenting).
There was something that caught my eye though. According to WHO, the United States is one of few developed countries that allows formula companies to give out promotional products in hospitals. I think that mama and baby health has to come first, not corporate profit. I'm actually pretty excited to see that some hospitals are not giving out gifts of formula or formula endorsed products anymore.