I think around 8-10 months our pediatrician waived our fears aside. Prior to that our daughter's crib had been a desolate wasteland. Since then she has had first only one little stuffed toy with a rattle, then increasingly more friends with her in the crib. I try to limit it to 5 small ones, one medium counts as two.
She had a blanket since around 12 months. She loves the waffle blankets and would not be without one now.
All this sure helps her in the morning. Some days she wakes up and talks to one of the toys, which I think is great for learning to play alone, since otherwise there is always someone with her. Sometimes she falls asleep again after a little bit of play, so this might help you with some more sleep for you or a cup of tea in peace.
She also has a good-size mirror in the crib that was really meant for the car but did not work with ours. She loves talking to the baby in the mirror because it always smiles ;) so that might be another idea to try.