well, i think it is VERY hard to except that another woman is taking the "motherly" role with your child. yah, i know.. we chose to divorce and that's what happens..yada yada yada, but it still doesn't make it any easier. So, this is what my daughters step mom does that absolutely drives me insane. If my daughter is at their house and I am talking to her on the phone, her smom ALWAYS interupts or tells my daughter something "fun and exciting" and it makes my daughter rush me off the phone so she can get to whatever her step mom just told her (I mean, really.. can't she wait 2 min? it's not like my daughter and I talk for a long time on the phone anyway). Also, for some reason... my ex is SO much nicer to me when his new wife isn't around. Him and I are not "friends" by any means. But he is actually FRIENDLY to me when she's not either right there in person or if she is not home when I have to talk to him on the phone about something. It is like night and day. I feel like my daughters step mom does not respect me as my daughters BIO mom. None. She came in and just pushed her way to the step mom role - she is the one totally in control of her house over there. It drives me insane that she is the primary caregiver of my daughter when she's at her dads house. My ex is perfectly capable but it's like all her rules over there regarding my daughter etc. That last one is hard to explain - I guess it just drives me crazy that my ex doesn't take a more ACTIVE role spending time w/our daughter when she's at his house.