First of all, that was a super cute story! Kids are so funny. My daughter is two and has been trained since she was 18mos. I think we were extremly lucky, she hated diapers. Anyways she rarely wears clothes, we don't mind a naked child running around. Sometimes she won't wear her undies either. I don't think it is a huge deal, especially when they are so young. I would suggest not using a diaper at all, not even on "long trips". If she is good at telling you when she has to go then just make bathroom breaks. One question-Does she sleep through the night w/o accidents?? If she does then get rid of the bedtime diaper too. We wake my daughter up in the middle of the night, just in case, so she can go use the potty. After we got rid of the bedtime pull-up she got used to not wearing them and even if we tried to put one on she would say "too big" and take it off right away. Your daughter will eventually get used to the feeling and wear big girl panties. Keep giving incentives, it won't take long. Good Luck