Definitely a personal preference. You won't know until you try them to see if you can support them, although you are already an eyeglass wearer, so for you, 1/2 the battle is already won. For me, I have never worn glasses, and have hit the 40 mark and need them. I cannot get used to wearing glasses, it's been a year and I am just starting to use them more and more. My first pair was the progressives (tri-focal) and I could not wear them at all, I could not find "the sweet spot" and it was super annoying to have everything feel as if it were moving around. There is distance, then 2 bubbles of magnification. I would think that just regular bifocals would be easier to tolerate, but they have the visible line, so I didn't get those. I actually returned my first pair, then just got the distance, which now I use a lot to drive with. Then a few months ago, I did end up getting the progressives, again. Because I was sick of not being able to see clear, even up close, or in that "mid-range". I felt that maybe I didn't give them a good try. Well, now I have them and I try to put them on from time to time, and I still can't do it. They say that 80percent of people DO NOT get used to them, but those who can, LOVE them. SO, I would say try them. Maybe you are one of the 20percent that will love them. Also, consider how much reading you actually do, a lot? Or just a little? For me, I read a little, so grabbing readers is a better fit for me. Good luck!