Yes! I have a bicornate uterus. My daughter was born 11 years ago, by planned C-section. I, too, had wanted to deliver naturally. But my daughter was in a breach position, and my doctor did not want to try to manually turn the baby to a different position to allow me to try to deliver naturally. Apparently, this can be done manually (prior to delivery date), but the baby might revert to the breach position, anyway! It just might be that the baby fits in that position better, or more comfortably, in the bicornate uterus. I liked my doctor, but later felt she was kind of conservative. However, having a healthy baby as the end result was all I wanted, so looking back on it, I am happy with the results! If you wish to explore alternatives, ask your doctor about manually turning the baby from a breach position, and check into accupuncture for turning a breach baby. Good luck!!!
K. Lee
Miessence Certified Organics, Independent Rep & Manager
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