You need to ask your Pediatrician to be sure, but I am pretty sure that as long as you are nursing regularly and not weaning, he shouldn't need whole milk. Its ok to let him have some to get used to the taste, but he shouldn't need to have a lot in one setting if he is nursing that much. When you start weaning, it may start to be an issue, then, too, but if he goes w/out a few times, he will realize eventually that if he doesn't take the milk, he will be hungry! Its tough, but they can't nurse forever! haha! My second son just stopped drinking altogether for a couple weeks almost. I could only get a little diluted juice in him. But I was weaning and he wanted mommy's milk! I nursed both of my boys for 13 and 14 months. They are the same age distance apart as yours and they were going to share a room too. I kept the youngest in a pack-n-play in my room or in our bed (when he woke up in the night) until he slept through the night, which was sometime after age one...I think after he switched to milk, actually. No booby to wake up for! haha! He did sleep in a crib in THEIR room for almost a year and then we moved him into a bottom bunk twin bed! Also, the reason they want babies age 1-2 to drink whole milk is not only for the calcium (as some have mentioned), but for the fat content which is extremely important for brain development in that year of life! Vanilla Soy milk is also good, and they can get some of the fat from yogurt and cheeses, your Pediatrician might have other suggestions too. Good luck!