This medication actually GAVE me a panic attack because it brought on an asthma attack and I couldn't breathe. Be careful.
I had much better luck going through cognitive behavioral therapy than being on any anxiety med.
Anybody out there on propranolol or other beta blockers for panic attacks? How often to you take them and how many mg do you take? Thanks!
This medication actually GAVE me a panic attack because it brought on an asthma attack and I couldn't breathe. Be careful.
I had much better luck going through cognitive behavioral therapy than being on any anxiety med.
Not on them, but I have heard of people taking them for panic attacks. I think that performers sometimes take them to prevent stage fright. You take as many or the dose that your doctor prescribes. Hope it helps
I took them for a while after ending up in the er for racing heart. It did help some but I didn't like the thought of being on them so I quit. I still get the racing heart sometimes, but I've just learned to deal with it and just let it run it's course.
Panic attacks are just part of my disorder and propranolol is just one of the meds I take every day. In my case it's 20mg after breakfast and again after dinner. I wish you well!
My sister-in-law (Emergency room physician) took some for her weeding to "make her mellow, less stressed". I took some a long time ago for migraines but don't recall the dosage.