When it comes to family, i think being blunt is just fine. My mom says "Shxx or get off the pot"; you can only stand to hear the same thing over and over so many times.
If the same complaining has been going on for 2 years and you see they aren't doing a dang thing about it, it's time to tell them. Unless something really changes, don't talk to me about it. The line I like to use to my family is the definition of "Insanity" doing the same thing over and hoping for a different outcome. It's just not going to happen. People don't like being called insane, specially family. Then say, if you truly make an effort to change this situation, I will support you, but don't think I'm going to feel sorry when you aren't doing anything about this situation.
I'm with MOM2KCK.
Good luck with it.