my advice to you you is to pick your battles wisely. is it really so important that he wants to eat choclate or that he poops on the floor? my oldest was something like that, she would find 1 little wrong {like her sock wouldnt line up right} then she would rip off all her clothes scream, throw a holly fit that would take 3 adults to get her dressed. she onlt wanted to wear this 1 shirt, and we had to have the same night gown every night, and some nights she wouldnt get a batha t all.
she was about 2 when all this started,and it never got better, her baby dr said she had attention defict disorder, but that was bull, as she could keep her self focesed on those toons or video games for hours, it wasent until i got ahold of a fellow named nick beatty, who is a very good counsler and wrap around service provider, that we got a proper diagonise. opistional definate disorder, broken down it means, what we say is black, they say is red, if we say eating poop is bad, they will do it more. and nothing you say or do will change their minds, except...
instead of saying or yelling and i hope to god you dont hit{that only makes it worse} just act like you dont care, say something like, {when he eats poop} that really has to taste bad" then just walk away, ignore it, wait awhile then say go back and say"time to get cleaned up" but dont preach about eating poop, or anything, say nothing if at all possible,
you have to keep your cool, and refuse to be drawn into a battleof witts, you wont win, you know this by now, and it will only get worse, you think you "want to get away now" wait until he starts school and comes home with 40 other kids attidudes, and thats something else, school will be a nightmare,
get a proper diagonise now dont wait, dont settle for adhd, or add, those are just generic terms for when drs dont want to be bothered, and medacation is not always the answer, most meds dont work for everyone, and some can not be given to kids safley under the age og 12.
my daughter is now 20 with a daughter of her own, in some ways she is better, in most ways not, but the pick your battle skills still employ today, nick beatty, audry jones,are through the centerville clinic network, you can find audry at carmichaels clinic, go to the second door, not the main door, tell her your story, and she can get you started in the right direction.
save your sanity, your son may not be able to help what he does, but you can help what you do.