Absolute totally normal toddler behavior. Frustration is big at this age. They are really opening up to the world right now, but are limited in their words and physical power. What are you disciplining her about and to what degree. I assume she wants something and you are telling her she can't touch it, since at this age they touch everything within reach. If that is the case, unless it is very dangerous, look at it with her. Let her hold it but look at it with her and show her the shape, texture, smell, etc. Her intention is to see what everything around her is. Take the time now, let other things wait and help her to take in all she can right now. It is a truly miraculous and wonderful time. When she has looked at it, tell her it's time to put it back and allow her to do it. If it is dangerous, take it away immediately, explain that you dont want her to be hurt in a calm and caring voice, and immediately distract her by replacing it with something she would love to see that isnt her normal toys, and then look at THAT with her. If she does throw a tantrum you can tell her its not ok to hit, but dont expect any response or change in behavior. They just dont have the ability to control that yet. Get yourself a good book on child development and discipline NOW. I wish someone had made that suggestion to me when my son was born. Its easier to read before they hit the stages than during it. It allows you to set up behavior patterns that make it easier to deal with issues that come up in the future. Good luck.