This is a serious issue in many regards. I am sure this could be a very emotional issue for her and humiliation is not the answer. I would treat this very matter of factly. I think 9 is old enough to know how to dispose of her pullups properly. Show her what she is supposed to do and tell her the consequence if she doesn't take that few moments to do things properly. You will need to check in the mornings for several weeks to ensure she has picked up the good habit, and praise her when she does this properly or follow through on the consequence if she does not. It does not have to be severe, but it should be losing a privilege of some kind and be consistent.
I would also show her the proper way to tend to herself. I would require that she call you into the room when she has finished for an "inspection" to make sure she is clean. My girls will sometimes still ask me to check on the odd occasion if they don't feel they have cleaned themselves properly. She doesn't need to announce to the world that she requires the inspection, a simple call to you with a request that you come would be all it takes, but you need to do your part in checking and advising.
My nephew has had this problem, and he also was successful with the meds; however, he was not permitted to have any drinks 2 hours before bed or any time during the night. This would be difficult for me, because I drink a lot during the night, but I also have to get up a lot which really interrupts my sleep. Better for your child to be limited on liquids than to be forced to get up and/or have an accident.
If your children go to bed before you do, then before you go to bed, you need to physically wake your child up and take her to the bathroom. She will be tired, not wanting to get up, but make sure she does use the bathroom before you let her go back to bed/sleep. For several weeks, you might want to set the alarm for you (not her), and then get her up to use the bathroom. I believe if you can train her to start getting up, she will do this on her own, and you won't have to do this forever, but better to lose your sleep then have the mess every day.
I really do not think you can humiliate her out of doing this, but you can certainly begin to train her into doing the right things. Best of luck to you.