Hi C..
My stepson is 8 1/2 years old and had/has bedwetting issues. We took him to his pediatrician, which referred us to a urologist. There is not anything wrong with his bladder, but he still has accidents. There are many reasons that children wet. (Examples: stress, producing too much urine during the night, etc...) It is important to eliminate bladder problems and as many triggers as possible. My son is also a sound sleeper, so he usually did not wake up until he had already went in his pants a little bit.
Our plan of attack is the following:
1. He takes DDAVP to decrease urine production at night.
2. We limit his fluid intake 45 minutes to an hour and a half before bedtime.
3. He uses the bathroom right before he gets into bed.
4. If he has had a 'big' day, I snag him out of bed halfway through the night for him to pee. He goes right back to sleep afterward without a problem.
5. If he does wet, he cleans himself up, changes his clothes and has extra sheets and blankets for his bed.
6. Our most important rule: He must take responsibility for getting everything cleaned up. He doesn't like to take the time to do this, so it keeps him from wetting out of laziness or 'being too tired'. If he tries to hide the fact that he wet, then and only then does he get into trouble. We have different colored underwear for him, so we know what color he wore to bed and make sure that is the same pair he has on in the morning We emphasize honesty and accountablilty for consistency, which all kids need.
7. If he is at someone else's home or there is not a plastic cover for the mattress/furniture, he usually will wear a goodnite pull-up. He doesn't even have to tell anyone he has it on, so he doesn't get embarrassed.
8. We try to use positive reinforcement of staying dry, because we don't want to hurt his feelings or damage his self-esteem. But, we tell him it is a better idea to stay dry.
It is very difficult to deal with wetting, because it gets very frustrating, but we have maybe 2 or 3 accidents a month now, instead of 3 or 4 a week!
I hope this helps. Good luck and take care. A.