I have a 16 month old who naps for about 2 hours during the day, but goes to sleep between 7:30 - 8:30 PM. She is always happy and very healthy - even when big viruses sweep through daycare.... I have a 35 month old (almost 3) who goes to sleep between 10:00-10:30PM - and she also gets a 2-3 hour nap during the day - some days. She's just a late body to bed, and a late waker-upper (like her daddy). It's not what we prefer, but all attempts to get her to bed earlier are just battles in futility. And it's not that we haven't tried a TON of different strategies to get her to bed earlier - they just didn't work, were too difficult to maintain - and that's just her. I'm sure if we wanted to wake up EXTRA early (like 5AM) just for the sake of getting her to bed earlier - that would work (and has on the few occasions we've had to wake her up early)... but why? That was actually much harder on us than just letting her stay up past 9. As long as they get sufficient sleep (for our 3 year old, she still gets 10-11 hours of sleep a day) and are healthy - why stress about it?
One thing to consider is why you think they should have an earlier bedtime. Are they in school? If so - they have to wake up earlier, so an earlier bedtime is appropriate. What are they doing during the day? Are they expending enough of their energy to make them tired by bedtime? If not, consider changing their evening activities - maybe get them in swim lessons or take them to the park, etc. I know that can be hard because after work you're tired too... but that's part of "the job" - if you work as a team - you can work it out to where you alternate wearing the kids down, making meals and relaxing yourself, baths, etc.
What really worked best for our family was 'quiet time'. Starting at about 7:30-8:00PM, once our 1-year-old is down... if the older one is still wide awake - we make her go down for 'quiet time' - which leads up to sleepy time. During quiet time - we let her read a book (as much as she can), play her little leapfrog games, color, or watch a movie. The movie's work best because as soon as they're over, she fades away to the land of the sandman. But as long as they're doing what you've tasked them with or allowed them to do and resting (even if not sleeping per se)... if they're happy, healthy children - everything else is just details. Just ask yourself, is it worth it - at this point - all things considered, to have to battle with your spouse and child? If it's not right now but may be more of an issue later - maybe just wait til later so you have more weight on your side. Just be sure not to base how you raise your kids on how everyone else is doing it, and be flexible. If your husband wants to let your daughter(s) stay up later - make him the 'overseer of kids' during the time after you think they should be in bed so that you have enough personal time. It all comes down to being a child management issue... noone will fault you for needing personal space or looking out for the kids well-being. Everyone does things a little bit differently because all of our schedules, kids, spouses and situations in general are different. It's just got to work for you and your family.
The only thing I could think of that would raise a red flag is the control issue... I'm not saying don't be the parent - definitely do. But if you want them to go to bed just because that's what you want (without good reason and/or taking your spouses opinions into consideration), or because someone else things that's what you should do - well... that won't help anyone and will probably just lead to more problems down the road. So just look at why you really want an earlier bedtime right now.
I know several other moms/families who leave their kids stay up later than the books would lead you to think is good - but they're happy and healthy (and intelligent) kids who listen well and pretty much understand where the boundaries are. Communication was a huge part of it too though - and at 3.5 and even 2.5 - they can grasp concepts about that kind of stuff pretty well... it's more up to you in how you communicate why they need to sleep, and decide whether or not you're going to let the tantrums (that do happen from time to time) determine if you bend on your decisions or routine. I strongly recommend being consistent with your routine, but you have to pick one that works for you and go with it - the kids will adjust (even if it takes a week or 2) whether you choose to put them down at 7 or 10.
Some parents want the kids to bed earlier so that they can have some personal time, or mommy-daddy time, or whatever - and that would give a reason for a stricter bedtime - and there's nothing wrong with that at all, maybe they have a stronger relationship than we do. But I agree with your husband - when I don't get to see my kids all day - I do like to spend the time with them at night. What works for us is to have mommy-daddy time is for later at night and during nap times on the weekend, and trade off 'babysitting' when we need personal time/space for whatever... but otherwise - pick your battles - is this really one that's worth it at this point in their lives.
Good luck, and I think you're doing fine. Just be ready to change as their needs and schedules change.