You have GOT to take them to see a psychologist or other mental health professional.
If he won't talk to you, moot case. You will never be able to change that. Take matters into your own hands and find someone that can help them to heal. Your girls are first. Bed-wetting and attempted suicide?? Doesn't that sound funny when you read those words from a complete stranger. Don't you want to tell me something is wrong here...Our kids are so fragile at this age. I can not imagine what girls those age must be going through.
You know better, now do better!
**************OK NOW, I just read your update. He has publicly embarrassed you???? Is this about them or you? Who cares. Stay strong and as long as you respect yourself at the end of the day and and not lie to yourself or your girls, life will be beautiful!!
You can pray all day for strength and courage but unless you put it into action, you'll get the same results