I am a home care nurse and deal with a lot of pressure ulcers. It sounds like what is being done is a proper standard of care and what is normally done for pressure ulcers, especially at the beginning. They are keeping the wound clean and keeping it protected which is really all that can be done. The best thing that you can do is make sure that he is being turned to a new position every two hours and if it is anywhere other than his butt (which is hard to stay off completely) make sure that body part with the wound stays off the bed as much as possible. You also should be making sure that he is getting an adequate amount protein which will help him heal, and hydration which will hydrate his tissues. I agree that if you are concerned that your dad isn't getting proper care, you can ask for a wound care specialist to come out from the hospital and assess the wound. However, I would ask to speak with a supervisor from the home care agency first and voice your concerns. She may be able to answer your questions and alleviate your concerns. Someone mentioned the wound VAC, however, the wound VAC is only used for certain types of wounds, mostly ones that are deep and/or infected, and the wound has to meet certain criteria before a doctor will prescribe it. It is not used for pressure ulcers unless they have progressed to a severe stage, which it doesn't sound like is the case for you. As someone else mentioned, pressure sores don't take long to develop, but they take a very long time to heal. So don't immediately discount what the home care agency is doing if you don't see progress right away - it will take a while. Good luck and I hope your dad recovers soon.