I would call an exterminator to determine if it is bed bugs. You should also check your mattresses in the seams to see if you see any slight discoloration that would indicate bedbug poo or tiny bloody looking spots from the bed bugs bloodmeal from biting you at night. If you have bed bugs, you need to follow the exterminator protocol, as they are not only in your bed, but also tend to be in the nooks and crannies in your floor boards, electric sockets, etc... This is more so the case when they get more populated in your home. For your sake, perhaps it is something else. My understanding is that treatment can involve initially weekly treatments for about 4-6 weeks followed by monthly treatments for a while to ensure they get them all. The really important thing is that you get a good exterminator, as some have been more successful in bedbug treatment than others. I've heard ACE is extremely successful in comparison with other competitors. I work for an agency that provides group home settings and supported living apartment settings to people with disabilities. They've encountered bedbug issues this year and have found that ACE has consistently been successful whereas other agencies have not been successful. So, thought I'd pass that on.