Contact the school that you are interested in, directly.
Many times, the individual schools, hire or have openings, individually. Not making it necessarily that you have to apply to the umbrella of the Dept. of Education, per say. So try that route. At least in my area... that is how many Moms/women find jobs at a specific school. But the specific school, does not "advertise" the job openings, per say. It is word of mouth... or if someone asks the school, directly. That is how a couple of Moms found jobs at my Daughter's school, for example.
Many schools, look for Teacher's Aides/Assistants. Full or part-time. Per their school. You can apply, at that school. Go to their office. Ask them if they have openings. Come prepared with your resume/school progress/any credentials you have.
Do research, per Texas and the city/district you will be in and the schools that interest you. Ideally, in your neighborhood area. That's always a plus, for you. More convenient. And then with the driving back and forth between your "job" and your babysitter or whoever will take care of your daughter.
Also if you get a job at a school... then you can probably use it as a school credit toward your degree? Or, Universities, have as part of their program, an "internship" requirement. So make sure you know your degree requirements, too.
good luck,