Beauty Help - Sacramento,CA

Updated on May 27, 2012
D.P. asks from Sacramento, CA
12 answers

HELP me please. I wear makeup, but not too much, my problem is that it seems llike its there one minute and disappears the next, llike it soaks into my face or something, I see other women and their makeup always looks nice and fresh. Is there something special you put under your makeup so that is doesnt soak into your skin? What typoes if makeup do you use, I use MAC, so its not llike I am useng cheap stuff. Also, any tips for gray roots, I color my hair but my roots always seem to turn gray again really quick. Ok one last question for this post, the bottom of the feet, mine are so rough, even after a pedicure, I scrub them and they still feel like the are really thick. THANKSIN ADVANCE!

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answers from Houston on

I'm a hairstylist, so with the grey roots, it's likely that your color is fading too quickly in the regrowth area. If you go to a salon, your stylist needs to do a better job of forumulating the color. If you do the color yourself, than look for a product that is for graying hair. You can also go to Sally's and get a packet to add in to your color that can help with gray coverage. Another option is to get some focal highlights. Highlights help with blending in grey regrowth so that the gray line of demarcation isn't as visible.

As for the make-up, I'm assuming you have oily skin? I have that problem as well. A good oil-absorbing moisturizer should help, as can using a make-up priming lotion or spray before and after you set your make-up. I wouldn't recommend the after spray for daily use, but I do use it when doing make-up for brides and such to help set the make-up.

For the feet, you can make your own scrubs at home, like a soothing sugar scrub. Lots of recipes online.

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answers from Dallas on

I used to have a problem with my makeup staying fresh and not fading. Here is what I've done the last couple years which has really made a difference.
A) Make sure you are taking care of your skin. Makeup is only as good as the skin underneath it. Get a good skincare regimen going and make sure your skin is well balanced. Not too oily and not too dry. Either of those can have an effect on your makup
B) Invest in foundation primer and eye shadow primer. They really will help your makeup stay on longer.

Good Luck!

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answers from Eugene on

Makeup: I use LOreal and it stays on all day. My skin is dry and the climate is mostly cold and dry in this part of Oregon.

If your roots go gray quickly, perhaps that means your hair grows fast... that's good. You can buy a root touch up kit from the drug store to use between salon visits. I touch up my own roots and also use something that looks like a big magic marker to color my roots in the morning if they show gray. The marker washes out but tides me over til I can do a regular touch up.

The feet thing, I've noticed I have to scrub more often as I get older. My skin is dry and it gets really thick and rough on my feet. Plus I like to go barefoot. Mine could stand to be scrubbed every day if I had the time. And I use foot balm and put on socks around the house to get rid of those fine dry lines around the heel.

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answers from Chicago on

Primer. If you are using MAC I am sure you have been told to do this already ... btw MAC is overpriced - try Urban Decay, Stila or Too Faced.

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answers from New York on

the only makeup i wear regularly is mascara and a little bit of eyeliner.. get something water proof and it wont dissppear.. i love the new mascara i just bought its called falsies by mabelline .. as for your feet.. myh feet are always like this in the summer mostly.. our entire yard is cement (theres only a small grass area for my dog) and i neevverr wear shoes.. my fiance always asks how the heck are u walking around with no shoes.. its because my feet are so like hard on the bottom i dont even feel it.. once it gets cooler out and i kno i wont be walkin around with no shoes i use one of those stone things that u rub on the bottom of your feet and it gets rid of all the dead thick skin.. lotions never worked for me either

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answers from Fresno on

I agree not to use vaseline. You do not want to absorb petroleum products. You also sound like you would benefit from moisturizing from the inside. Do you take any fish oil supplements? We need certain essential oils. This may help you. Here's an excellent one



answers from Chicago on

You need a primer for eyes and face before you apply your make-up. Loreal has a nice one that I used in an emergency otherwise I use Bare Essentials primer for both eyes and face. Also, make sure to use a translucent finishing powder after you apply foundation and blush. Helps seal it :) Also, don't touch your face!!!!! I have a habit of resting my hands by my chin...

You got great advice from Mamma L on your hair.

Your feet....Get the Pedi Egg! Fabulous to use in between pedicures and invest in foot and heal cream for your feet. I am using one from bath and body works...I forget the name :)



answers from Phoenix on

I just fell in love with Jane iredale (?) makeup, but the funny thing was I was about to buy the foundation my mom bought after I tried it, luckily there was a spa day and I got a free makeover from a jane iredale rep and she had me buy a matte powder not foundation. Since you are already buying expensive makeup, I'd schedule a free makeup session with a pro there and maybe they can recommend something to make it work better - brushes vs sponges vs fingers, or a base product since you already paid for it and don't want to waste it
As for feet, I've been told to put vaseline or heavy cream on at night with socks (I use "bag balm"), and one doctor told me it can be fungal related so I put some fungal cream/athletes foot cream on it to sometimes when it's really bad and it helps. And if I have time at night I will dry pumice/file my feet, then do a foot soak 20 minutes hot water with a bath oil, then a cream, wrap in saran wrap, put in socks for the night, it really locks the moisture in!



answers from San Francisco on

I have the same problem where my makeup disappears into my face. I use mary kay. My skin is dry which is why I think the make up goes so quickly.... So I moisturize and I use a primer on both my face and eyes. My makeup stays on now. I haven't tried MAC so can't compare, but I have tried other makeups such as allmay, loreal, etc and none stayed on even with primer.



answers from New York on

I'm keeping my answer on your feet since I never wear makeup.

Don't use vaseline - It is made of petrolatum which is a gasoline by product. It doesn't soak into the skin.

I use raw shea butter, cocoa butter and/or coconut oil on my feet before I go to bed. Also the sock thing helps too. Soak you feet in warm water with epson salt and some essential oils of your choosing (peppermint, lavendar, and tea tree oil are great for the feet) to make the skin softer, use a pumice stone or callus remover device (can be metal with grating like surface on it) to help remove the dead skin, dry off your feet with a towel then slather on the oils or butters.

Do this every night for at least 1-2 weeks and you will definitely see a difference.

Whenever I get a pedicure they always comment about how soft my feet are. It's no work at all for them.

If push comes to shove get yourself to the pediatrist. They do a lovely job on the feet and some even can recommend a more natural way of healing instead of you having to take some kind of liver destroying medicine.



answers from San Francisco on

Sounds like you need a walk on the beach! Your hair will become naturally highlighted, you will get some gentle color on your face and the sand will slough the rough skin off your feet :)
Back to the real world: I use "Tarte" tinted moisturizer and I'm happy with it. It has spf 20 but doesn't clog my pores. I like the semi-transparent look. For eyes, I find that no matter what eye color I choose, as long as the mascara looks good the rest looks fresh enough. I'm picky because I wear contacts that are easily irritated and I hate the clumpy look. I like Clinique lash doubling mascara best. And I don't use the same tube for more than 3 months.
I recently found a nice lip gloss that has lasting color. It's Revlon colorstay mineral lipglaze. Even after the gloss wears off there's still some color.
Good luck with your hair. Mine's a mess so I'm not giving any advice there!!



answers from Pittsburgh on

? #1 Use a primer. Mac has a good one so get a sample and give it a try. If not them Nars and Smashbox are also good. Sephra will sample all of these for you.

?#2 Clairol has an awesome root touch up system that comes in a box-forget the name now. Totally easy to just mix up the stuff and use the little brush to brush it into your roots. Wait a couple minutes and shower. If you need something fast take a damp makeup brush and swipe it in brown eyeshadow in a shade that would be close to your own (not sure how a blonde would do it?) And then paint it on your roots. LAstly-they sell expensive root touch up sprays for this as well.

?#3 Slather your feet with vaseline and put on socks and wear to bed.

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