You can have your child seen off base for the first 60 days after they are born, so then when our time was up i tried to find a way to be seen off base all the time because I loved our pediatrician so much and it was a no go. However, there are a couple different peds on base so maybe it is possible to switch to another. We use Dr. Thacker and I like him. My baby is 11 months old and although Dr. Thacker doesn't seem to be super outgoing and chatty, he is always kind to me and my child. He answers my questions thouroughly and seems very knowledgable. My son had a mild skull condition that required him to wear a helmet. Dr. Thacker was not familiar with skull abnormalities so he referred us to a neurologist to rule out more serious conditions. I don't know who you see know and if it is Dr. Thacker I am going to feel like a complete idiot, but if you are seeing one of the others maybe try and see if you can switch to him. I hope it works out for you!
K. E.