You could but then your food will taste rancid.
Always try to cook with the best ingredients possible You and your family deserve the best.
Sometimes I find that our cooking oil gets a rancid smell.
Still okay to cook with?
TY everyone!
You could but then your food will taste rancid.
Always try to cook with the best ingredients possible You and your family deserve the best.
If it smells rancid in the bottle, then get a new bottle. Cloudiness is not an indicator because that could just mean that the oil is cold. Oil that's unopened can last up to a year. Once you've opened the oil it will last less than six months, and that's assuming it's a processed, hydrogenated oil. If you use organic and natural oils or the oils are nice and dark like olive oil, they'll last far less. I've had vegetable oil go bad but wasn't sure until I bought new oil and remade something and it tasted far better than what I was using.
If it smells rancid in the pan but not in the bottle, then the pan may not have been cleaned well enough especially if the last time or few the pan cooked meat.
I have one pan that my daughters like to use. A couple of months ago they cooked bacon in it, and no matter what I do I can't get it clean enough so that when it's cooked in it doesn't still smell like bacon. My husband and eldest daughter don't smell it, but my youngest daughter who is vegetarian like I am and my middle daughter who has Sensory Processing Disorder can smell it too.
I don't cook any of my vegetarian dishes in it. I basically have separate pans that I use for my vegetarian cooking verses the meat dishes for reasons such as this. The pans always seems to hold bits of the meat and meat fat and the oil you have to cook with.
Definitely not ok to cook with it. The oil smells rancid because it is rancid. Cooking with it will cause the food to have an off flavor.
If it smells bad it is bad. No don't use it.
Sometimes? Like, the same batch smells rancid one day, but fine the next? If that's the case, I would think that there is perhaps a residue of some sort on your pan.
If you are talking about different batches of oil, then no, don't use rancid oil.
I generally try to avoid serving "putrid" stuff to my family! Lol
Nope, it makes the food taste just like it smells.
I keep my oil in the fridge. I also write on the lid when I open it so I know how many months it's been open.