Wow. My oldest is 6 and to me....the things you are doing/have done seem extremely harsh and kinda scary. This is totally normal behavior in my opinion. Sometimes my daughter will come at me that I'm a mean mommy, or you're not my best friend anymore kind of stuff, but that's totally ok. In that moment to them, for whatever reason, we are bad mommies. LOL But, our job is to nurture them and raise them...not necessarily be their favorite person on earth all the time. When my kids throw something like that at me, I simply remain very calm and tell them that I'm sorry they feel that way but I really do love them and sometimes things just aren't fun. And I leave it at that. A few minutes later, they're over it. I just don't draw tons of attention to those comments b/c in my opinion...they are a totally normal stage of development. Please don't instill fear in your son by leaving him standing in a parking lot.........that really isn't going to fix anything in the long run.