As others have said, it is really tough for many of us right now.
Without knowing your details, it is hard to say what might help you the most. I know that when my husband was laid off I could not imagine how we would get by. It felt like we already lived on a shoe-string.
I was shocked at the savings by tweaking my grocery tactics, eliminating extra shopping & combining errand running. We cut our cable/phone/internet to the barest minimum. I have learned how to repair things instead of replacing them, I have learned how to ask or trade help with friends and neighbors.
In return, my family has been eating better, spending more time with each other and really coming together. Also we have gotten to know our friends & neighbors in a more personal way. It turns out to be a gift in the end.
I start my (particularly bad) days with this mantra, "Joy, Compassion". I will repeat it through the day to remind myself I strive to have joy in my life & show Compassion towards others. I try to have a good day in spite of what is handed to me. I try to find the "silver lining" of my challenges, and I try to remember that I am the one that holds the key to change in my life.
It is not always easy. I am not perfect. Try to hang in there. It is likely this is all just passing, not a spiral downward towards destitution.
It sounds cliche, but life is a roller coaster, you are on the down hill side right now, but your uphill is just around the corner. Try to take away as much positive from your challenges as you can. Use this time to figure out how you might be able to shift it to be a little different next time.
Hang in there sweetheart, you can always count on life for things changing!