This is what I've done, take it for what it's worth! I have just one 2 yr old girl, who is pretty easy to take care of. If I take her to drop-in-daycare, I pay $4/hr. I figure I should probably pay a little more for a babysitter, as that's one-on-one care and this teenager is inconveniencing herself to come to my home... so I pay $4-5/hr. I have not asked her to clean or to do any other things during the time she sits for my daughter. If I were to be home during the time she was here AND was partially keeping an eye on my dau myself, I would likely pay her less. However, if I were not, I would likely pay her the same. Good luck to you - and if your neighbor is still willing to sit for you again, you probably did a great job paying her last time! :-)