My twin girls' heads were slightly misshapen when they were that age; it was probably about that age that we discovered it. Much of the problem was due to the way we positioned their heads all the time; they had a lot of problems with reflux and we went to a lot of trouble to keep them upright etc but they were always in one position with their head. Doctors did not bother to tell us the problem about positioning. We were also scared to death and they told us the girls might need to wear those helmets. We took them to the doctors and talked about the helmets and they were really pushing it. But we decided against the helmets and instead starting positioning differently. Every time you lay the baby down, move its head around. Roll up a towel or blanket to help keep him in position. For us, since they had to be on their backs and upright so much, our nanny suggested that we buy the little donuts that you use under baby's heads in strollers; we turned it upside down and used it to lift the baby's head up so no weight was on the chair or crib. We started seeing improvement in a few weeks and now our daughters' heads are perfect. Email me if you want me to send you a current picture. So calm down, talk to the doctors, and start moving his head around. If the head is a real problem, your doctor will talk to you about the helmet. My understanding is that the helmet can really really help out. So just know that whatever the problem is, you still have time to fix it, so just calm down. You will be presented with many many issues to get scared about during the infancy of yuor child. That's just part of the job of being mom. good luck.