Good Morning Y. D.,
I think you need to have your baby tested for his intelligence he might be showing you. When a baby is doing something that tells you he has patience and steadiness in tention span, pay close attention to that. Because so many children can even sit for a moment with leaving something that tend to desire and then off to something else next. So, you might have a geniuious on your hand. My grandson was so smart and I advice my daughter to get him test. So, as a parent will have the tools to deal with his intelligences with the common sense to direct that intelligence. He may be a doctor or even a senator. And a mad sciencist would be bad. But, your responsiblity to him is to guidance and channel the very thing people might think is cute, funny, and extra. Do what you see fit for the benefit of your baby. God will direct you in the research you need to raising that baby. It truly start with you as a caring parent.
Mama Source will have plenty of advice to enable you to direct you in the right path okay.
S. A.
Y. D.,
I went away to make up my bed and some other chores. I thought of some of the cartoon's like popeye which I thought was extremely funny, but when I see something like that now, I think my mother should have looked at that and change the channel. Because, I see some of the cartoon's have so much note. Those three stooges was so silly but kids in our time thought it to be so funny to see them hit each other. But, it made my twin brother started to imitate some of those same funny crazy hitting and playing tricks that could be very dangerous if the mother isn't there to monitor them. So, check out the cartoon too, just as you would check out the lanauage and sex in some of the movies. Violence is on the rise everywhere. The public let cartoon's slip through the cracks. But, watch it and be critical in that entertainment section too for children sake. Don't just laid the burden on the medical field to settle this responsiblity. Parent
s have the opportunity to mold their children brain. I was married to a Japaneses man, and he explain the education and honor comes from the family values and honor system as a rule in there race. They program their children in a way of brainwashing them to understand if they degrace your family is to degrace their entire race in family values and beliefs from infants stages of development. Parent has the responsiblity of programing and forming their family values, such as what is right and wrong. I taught my children they have a responsiblity to family as well as the society in which we live in. Laws and regulation are in place to govern everybody and everything.