Yup. Get a toddler toothbrush and toothpaste (no fluoride yet).
And don't let him run around with the brush in his mouth.
DS has been showing an interest in toothbrushing. Any suggestions on what he or I might use? He's 15.5 months, and has 12 teeth. All we've done for mouth care thus far is to make sure that he doesn't go to bed with milk, and occassionally wipe his teeth with a cloth when we think to and he's amenable.
The other day, he was quite interested when he saw gandma brushing her teeth. I think its time to start.
I know soft bristles and no flouride. are there ones which are soft/ bendy. which he can't gagg himself with. which won't get stuck in his throat if he runs off with it and trips? I am not trying to raise my child in a bubble, but if there are products out there which make this job safer and easier for both of us, I'd prefer those.
Thanks a bunch,
Fanged Bunny
Yup. Get a toddler toothbrush and toothpaste (no fluoride yet).
And don't let him run around with the brush in his mouth.
Go to the kid section of the toothbrush aisle. There are shorter toothbrushes with small bristle heads that fit little mouths. There is no toothbrush in the world that can prevent him from gagging himself if he sticks it too far in his mouth. To prevent him from running off with the toothbrush, have him brush when you do. All my kids have brushed their teeth with me in the morning since before they were 1 yr old. When I was done, they were done. At night, I just made it part of their bedtime routine to brush teeth in the bathroom and stayed in the bathroom with them. They got a turn to brush, then I got a turn to brush their teeth. Then they "got the privilege" of putting the toothbrush in the toothbrush holder like a big boy. Kids learn a lot by example. I don't wander the house brushing my teeth, so it never occured to them to do so.
We just did the toddler toothbrush and toothpaste. In my local store the toddler stuff was actually in the baby isle, not the toothbrush isle. So if you can't find a small toothbrush with the other toothbrushes (our store only had ones that were ages 2+ and no toddler toothpaste) check the other section of the store.
Go get a toddler sized toothbrush - they make tons of them. We have Sesame Street ones, and some toddler toothpaste, which is safe for them to swallow.
Then, have at it!
We started brushing our kids' teeth at that age.
Any drugstore will carry the stuff above.