Hello, I just wanted to tell you a little bit about my daughter and her sleeping habbits as well. I have learned that girls are tuffer to rest, and sleep. It took my daughter untill reciently, shes just turning 1 next week, to sleep longer then 15 minutes on her second nap of the day. There is numerous times where she wakes back up and cries. I noticed if I let her cry it out, and fall back asleep is when she sleeps the longest. I've never given her a bottle or pacifier for comfort, I learned my lesson with my son on that one. But I just think girls are tuffer on sleep habbits, they are so afraid they will miss something. If you think about it, thats the way you are too )being a light sleeper). My son on the other hand is four, and he takes a solid 3-4 hour nap from 1-3/4. If he dosn't get in a full nap, its a nightmare. So its tuff for me to balance out who waks up when, and when to put the other one down. Do you have any other children? One thing that does work, is I put a loud fan in their bedroom (they share a room) and that has helped everyone sleep at night or during the day. That way if im up doing things, it wont wake them. Maybe try that?