I don't know about any classes in this area. But, as far as baby sign language, I can suggest a few things. We have been signing to our almost 7 month old son since he was 3 months old. He is already making 4 signs on his own and seems to understand more. Now that he can sit up on his own (very recent development) we look forward to even more signing. It's hard to do it with a baby in your arms since a lot of signs require two hands. We purchased the Baby Signs Program from Barns and Noble and it is good. It was about $40. It comes with history, directions, board books and a parent DVD and child DVD. I have since discovered an AWESOME book called "Sign, Sing and Play" and I would recommend it to anyone wanting to sign to their baby or toddler. It has a ton of signs with clear directions on how to make them as well as games and easy ways to incorporate signing into the daily routine. If you find any signing classing in the DFW area, let me know because I would love to sign up my son. Thanks and good luck! It is WONDERFUL being able to understand what my son is thinking. You'll really enjoy it!