Congratulations on the new, precious baby! Unfortunately, the mix up of day and night is just part of the plan. It will take a couple of months (6 weeks to 3 months) for the little one to get it straight. The first 2-3 weeks are lots and lots of sleep, and it always seems the non-sleep parts happen at night!!! But according to my pediatrician, it is never to early to start acting on a schedule. For us bedtime is 7pm. So always (still-even with a 3 year old) we start bathtime at 6pm, then stories or quiet games so they know the routine. I would suggest just getting through the first month, with taking as much help as you are offered...from hubby feeding at night, to the neighbor coming over to hold the baby during the day so you can catch a nap. Then start focusing on a schedule. It will turn around! Consistency is key.