Snip It's in Parker is a kids hair salon and they do a commemorative 1st haircut photo, a certificate and you get a lock of hair. I've taken my daughters there quite a bit and they did a good job. Have fun with the 1st haircut! A.
My 9 month old, baby girl has tons of hair and needs a haircut already. Does anyone know of any place in the Castle Rock, Parker, Highlands Ranch area that specializes in baby haircuts? I want her first haircut to be special.
Snip It's in Parker is a kids hair salon and they do a commemorative 1st haircut photo, a certificate and you get a lock of hair. I've taken my daughters there quite a bit and they did a good job. Have fun with the 1st haircut! A.
We love Jack n Jill! Mallory is awesome and the little certificate that you'll get has earned many compliments in my son's scrapbook.
Jack and Jill or Lollilocks, both have a few locations and do a cute job. We had our daughters done at Jack and Jill. The first haircut, they take a picture, a lock of hair and make a certificate for you. It was very cute. http://lollilocks.com/ or http://www.jackandjillchildrenssalon.com/Services.htm
Have fun!
Park Meadows are has a kids hair salon. Its in the shopping center near the Yosemite/Park Meadows Drive intersection (near that 7-11). I'm thinking its called Jack and Jills kids hair salon. There's also Lollilocks or Snips Its over in Parker.
Have fun!
Hi S. - I would recommend Lollilocks in Highlands Ranch. (very close to Sam's at Quebec/C470)
They have a great first-time haircut package where they will style her hair, take her picture and also give you a keepsake strand of her baby hair.
You HAVE TO go to Lollilocks (either in Highlands Ranch or Lone Tree). They will cut her hair (always a great job), take a picture and attach her lock of hair to a cute/special little card/certificate. Have fun!