The best thing you can do is mom in with your parents, get a job and then when things a little more settled emotionally and regular in your job. Move out into the smallest size apartment you can. (Maybe a two bedroom?) Eastablish your residence and go to the Public assistance office. They can help your with money for housing,foodstamps,medical,dental(chips),filing for child support ( if you want to but if your situation was abusive may not ask for that or give his name) That way in an abusive situation the other person does not readily have away to find you.
It is not going to be easy at all but there is help. Also if the kiddos are under two you can recieve WIC ( This program helps provide milk, chesse, and BABY FORMULA) About daycare, the Texas work office ( in San Antonio off Austin hwy) you go to a class and after that they can help you with day care and even a little gas money while your looking ( and daycare after you start).
I was in college when I got preggie with first baby and did not have insurance ( husband contracted) and so if you need some help email,ok?