Asian Daughter- Spots on Her Face

Updated on April 18, 2012
M.R. asks from Jenison, MI
11 answers

Hello Moms! I'm wondering if anyone else has seen this. I have an asian daughter, she is pretty dark complected and tans very easily. She is 9 years old and this year we have noticed a few black dots on her face. they look like somebody took a black marker and dotted her with it. She is very self conscious about these dots. Sunday, she woke up with 2 more new dots!!! I have googled this for hours and cant find any other asian people discussing this or about this. Ive looked at freckles, but these are very dark black. they are not raised at all. can any one help???? thanks
4/18. we are going to try sunscreen daily and see if any more crop up. if they do i will take her to a derm. and then i will let u all know what the dr. says

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So What Happened?

I looked up Hyper pigmentation. to me that looks more like "age spots" or sun spots. Not At All what these look like. These are Black Dots like from a Sharpie!

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answers from Chicago on

Most likely, they're just freckles. Darker skin produces darker freckles. I have several (like a dozen) dark brown/black freckles on my face (I'm Korean) and lots more all over.

If she's self conscious, have her be diligent about sun protection. If you're worried that it could be something else, take her to a dermatologist.

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answers from New York on

I'm sorry I don't have any helpful advice. I would absolutely go to a good dermatologist in your area.

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answers from Chicago on

They might just be moles -- also known as "beauty marks". I got my first one when I was six years old. (I am Asian.) And then they just kept popping up all over. I can't remember when they tapered off, but I think I stopped getting them so frequently after puberty. I have quite a few on my face. I have even had a couple of them surgically removed because some of them are fairly large and are raised. Most of them are flat and do look like very dark isolated freckles. They are harmless. I don't think there are any treatments to get rid of them -- especially since your daughter is so young. Maybe she'll be less self-conscious about them if she sees that models like Cindy Crawford and Nikki Taylor were made famous by their moles.

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answers from Raleigh on

It's probably just hyperpigmentation. Make sure that she wears on sunscreen on a daily basis, and a hat when going outside.



answers from Oklahoma City on

I know Mongolia Spots can be found on darker skinned people but I would not trust anything other than a Dermatologists diagnosis.



answers from Detroit on

What does the dermatologist have to say?


answers from San Francisco on

I would ask your doctor. If s/he doesn't know I would ask for a referral to a dermatologist.



answers from Grand Rapids on

My daughter had mongolian spots on her back and butt. they have faded away now so i do know what those look like. these definitely are not those. thanks though. i think i will take her in to a derm.


answers from Milwaukee on

I would check with a derm but they could be flat moles?? Those can be pretty dark especially on a dark completed person.



answers from Boston on

Are they round or different shapes?? my daughter had a rare dermatitis , she would eat fruit or anything that citrus in it and if she was out side in the sun. The sun would photograph the the splash from the fruit. They would look like round brown spots on her face, she even had it on her hands. Might be something to look into.



answers from Detroit on

Take her to the dermatologist

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