Cut them all out please.
I can't tell you how serious I am about this. My friend nearly died from eating them, I have told her story many times here on this site.
She was insulin resistant diabetic just as her father was and her son is. She used artificial sweeteners all her life. She had blood sugars in the high 400's all the time. She even got an insulin pump put in. She ended up seeing a new doc for this pump and he told her to stop all artificial sweeteners. There is much more to the story but she started using real sugar and real butter, whole milk, etc...her blood sugars are in the normal range almost all the time, the pump was taken out, she has not been in the hospital for her congestive heart failure in over 2 years after being in several times per year with pneumonia that nearly killed her each time, she doesn't carry oxygen around everywhere she goes, even to the bathroom for a shower anymore, and her blood sugar is in control 99% of the time.
She counts carbs and stays under a certain amount per day. Not a low amount either, I was surprised at how many she could have but I don't want to guess how many it was, I just can't remember.
She walks around Walmart in size 10 jeans now instead of riding a cart and wearing plus size 30 pants.
I tell the kids that artificial sweeteners are poison for our bodies and because they taste sweet people use them and are slowly killing themselves. Call me a fanatic or not, we do not use them in any way.