I make the fastest, easiest, yummiest (according to my daughter). You will need about 4-8 apples depending on the size (peeled and core removed), 1/4 cup of white sugar (or less according to taste), 1/4 cup of brown sugar (or less according to taste), one stick of cinnamon (you don't have to especially if you think he won't like it, it just adds a nice flavor and it's good for him), and a squirt of lime juice. I just boil the apples (water should cover the apples) with the cinnamon. You will know they are ready when you stick a fork and it goes in easyly, about 20 minutes. Throw them in the blender, add sugar, and lime juice. Blend and voila!
Note: if you don't have brown or white sugar, just use either one, it's fine. The kind of apple you choose is up to your taste. Your son can help too! Have fun!