Please read the expert policy statements about TV (including "educational" DVDs) aimed at babies and children under 3.
The best thing to do is to simply continue reading aloud. Keep showing him books and reading aloud. Go to the library to find NEW books all the time. That's the way to keep it new.
Read through Jim Trelease's website. He does not endorse that product.
Young children need to play, pretend, experience the multi-dimensional world.
I have a 4.5 year old who is also very interested in learning how to read, but I won't buy that program. We can do it other ways.
We simply read books together and she (this is child-led) is asking me "how do I read this?" and I read the story, she will follow along and repeat after me, trying to memorize it herself, without any prompting from me.
I have a friend whose daughter at age 3 taught herself how to read essentially the same way. This is very rare. Most children are not ready to read till 8 or 9. Their eyes are not developmentally read to track words, despite the schools attempts to push reading in K.
Take him to the playground. Let him roll his body, swing his body through space, push himself, run, jump, climb... this will help him down the road. Him reading on his own can wait.