My son will be attending VBS at Christ The King Lutheran in Cary and I will be volunteering. If you need more info I'd be happy to provide it.
Good luck!
I would like to know from any mommas out there who know and possibly have had their children attend a VBS (Vacation Bible School) in the Raleigh, Wake Forest area. My daughter loved them from where we lived at and I would like to keep that up this summer. Thanks so much.
My son will be attending VBS at Christ The King Lutheran in Cary and I will be volunteering. If you need more info I'd be happy to provide it.
Good luck!
my son goes to Green Pines Baptist Church on HOdge Rd. I think it's technically Knightdale but it's right at 540 exit 24. He goes there for Mother's Morning Out as well and they are FABULOUS!
I go to the North Raleigh United Methodist Church and even though I do not have a young child in it , I know it is a fabulous program VBS and gladly welcomes non-members!!
Soapstone United Methodist is great! check out their website at www.soapstoneumc.org