I was a former labor and deliver nurse and loved it. Nursing is a big field right now that alot of people are going into because of the last couple of years economy. If your going into nursing make sure and get your bachelor's degree, it will get you further.
Here's the deal...if you want to take care of happy, cherub, little babies go into labor and delivery or even post-partum care. If you're wanting to take care of pre-term or term babies that come out with problems then go to NICU. Both of these areas will give you your training once you're hired. Which is how any area does. A nursing degree covers everything and then you do "on the job training." As your going through nursing school you do clinicals in all areas of a hospital but it's only a short time so you only touch base on it and that's it.
I would recommend trying to get into one of those areas as a "student nurse" and work there as your going through school because these are areas that most hospitals only hired nurses with experience. Working there while going to school will give you that experience, obviously not true nursing experience but it gets you onto the unit. Goodluck