Anyone Is Vegan?

Updated on July 16, 2008
M.D. asks from Waxahachie, TX
5 answers

I would like to get in tough with moms who's eating vegan way. I'm not 100% vegan this time(but going there) and don't have any experience with feeding baby vegan way. I'm not pregnant yet, but I'd like to know as much as possible before that time comes. Thank you very much.

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answers from Dallas on

I was vegetarian up until the middle of the second trimester. Then my tastes and cravings just totally changed. I have tried to go vegan but love cheese too much...but I hadn't had cow's milk in a quite a while...
I'm 36 weeks pregnant now and from then until now all I want is organic 2% cows milk, tons of it, and ice cream too.
Everyone is different and even though I highly believe in all of the many reasons to either cut down or go without animal products, I have to listen to what my body needs and wants and I couldn't force myself to eat enough kale, etc to get the amount of calcium I need. I just didn't want to eat some of the things I had eaten in the past. Just make sure you get a ton of protein. I didn't like it when someone told me to eat 2 eggs a day, but I feel so much better when I I'm just a little more flexible now...I was just thinking that even though I was vegetarian, this baby sure is NOT!
I have read a bunch of books though, and there are literally tons of websites out there if you just do a search for vegan pregnancy.
One website that has info/recipes is
I like their hemp protein powder.

Good luck! I hope it works for you!

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answers from Tyler on

I am not 100% Vegan, but I bought a book called Super Baby Foods by Ruth Yaron when my daughter was 4 mo and it has great info, recipes, etc for the vegetarian minded. It is great for making your own baby food and nutritionally balancing it for baby. Good luck.

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answers from Lubbock on

Buy the super baby foods book the authour is vegan and give a lot of vegan alternative so you can feed your baby that way to.I am not vegan but I found the food ideas very healthy and useful it also teaches you how to make all kinds of things like your own playdogh and organic pesticides.There is a ton of info in this book I bought mine for 16.00 including shipping.

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answers from Dallas on


I have a skin care, health and wellness company. All of our products are Vegan, Vegetarian and Kosher friendly.

We have everything from anti-aging skin care, weight loss, detox, baby products, cosmetics, to vitamins.

Please let me know if you'd like more information.

Thanks and God bless!



answers from Dallas on

We are not vegans, but I know many moms who are and I started using the Arbonne protein shake mixes to make my kiddos shakes and protein bars. After age one, your little could enjoy some really healthy snacks. Contact me if you are interested.
Forgot to mention, they are vegan. Arbonne doesn't use or test with animals or byproducts. Most of the Moms I have as clients that are vegans have shared many recipes, they focus on adding flax seed, aminos, and definetly recommend a multi vitamin. Of course most of the baby food was breast milk and then pureed baby food from home or whole foods. I was pretty much vegan when I was pregnant with my 3rd baby. I ate small meals all day long and made sure to add lots of kale, mushrooms, and colorful veggies to my diet. I also made a strict vitamin regimen. She was 7.3 lbs and just healthy as could be. I wasn't able to eat meat with that pregnancy because I just went through cancer treatment and the radiation to my throat made it hard to swallow the meat, and I wasn't going to puree, so I did alternatives. :)M.

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