I am 45 and was suffering from bowel issues and went to my local E.R. for what I thought was a bowel blockage, since I have dealt with this issue for awhile now. A surgeon found that I had a mass growing on my left ovary the size of a cantaloupe, which I could move around. I had a small mass on the right one too. I also had endometriosis. I had to have a hysterectomy and remove all masses 3 days later. Thankfully I had no cancer.
2 years previously I had an ultrasound that showed nothing. So I knew the mass on the left had either gone undetected or it grew in less than 2 years. It was always painful for me to have intercourse with my husband.
I am on a very strict diet and have been for most of my life due to digestion and bowel issues. I am 5'9 and weighed 135 lbs. so it was quite obvious to see that I had something growing on that left side. Please trust your own gut feeling when it comes to your health...it is better to be safe than sorry. I had so many different medical issues that I was almost to the point of backing out going to the ER in the first place. I wish you the very best of luck.