I did not try that for my breech baby, but I did try several yoga poses, laying down with my butt in the air for hours, the icepack, the flashlight... but she would not budge.
If you really want to go VBAC, look into an external cephalic version. I had it done and was SOOO glad I did. A few days after the ECV I gave birth naturally, vaginally, no meds to my beautiful baby daughter and had the most amazing birth experience. I am one of those women who would take giving birth over a trip to the dentist any day!
The ECV took about 60 minutes. They had me on the monitor to get a baseline reading of the heartbeat for about 20 minutes prior and to make sure she was alright after. Right before the OB did a quickie ultrasound to confirm she was still breech and make sure there was enough room (fluid) for her to turn.
He placed one hand under my belly at the pubic bone and gently but firmly pushed upwards(this was uncomfortable, because of the pressure on the bladder). The other hand was on the side of my belly and he gently pushed sideways to motivate her to flip (there was plenty of ultrasound gel on my belly to help this motion). He did this three times and on the third time she flipped around.
Not every woman is a good candidate for the procedure, so you will need to talk to your health care provider about it. If you do it, get a recommendation for a experienced performer. My midwife referred me to the one who did mine, and he said I was his 5th ECV that week alone (my MW claimed he was the best baby-turner in town). There are risks involved, but he mentioned that in his entire time practicing the procedure he did never have a complication and that they are pretty rare. He also advised me beforehand that he would not "force" the baby to turn, but just "encourage" her, so there is a possibility that even that will not work.
Good luck!