Hi S., I am new to mamasource for ft sill, (moving there in 10 weeks) but when I saw your post I had to respond. My little boy who had bilateral choroid plexus cysts in sleeping perfectly perfect in the next room :) He is almost 5 months old. Ironically a friend of mine whose son is 2 months older than mine had one too. Huge *HUGS*! Its very scary I know, but let me tell you what I know that helped ease it alittle. First, they aren't concerned about the cysts in and of themselves. You LO won't be harmed by them at all. The presence of CPCs has been linked to Trisomy 18, as a possible abnormality shown on US. The link is VERY THIN. Most babies with CPCs are FINE! Especially if there aren't any other abnormalities present in the baby. My doc sent me for a level 2 US to check specifically for abnormalities. Such as claped hands, renal stynosis, abnormal body proportions etc. If there is nothing else than the chances of anything being wrong are extremely minute. I remember crying out of relief after that US. Did you have the AFP done? I must say the fear didn't fully leave my head until he was here safe in my arms, but knowledge is power and the odds are VERY VERY VERY much in your favor. ;) Enough of the book, lol. If you have any questions feel free to ask.