Williams-Sonoma has a great one! It is a little pricey and the bags are pricey, but it works FABULOUS!
Does anyone have a touchless trashcan that they love? We received one for Christmas, but the bag keeps sliding down on the inside.
I really need a recommendation for one that really works and the bag stays secure even when you fill it with trash.
Thanks so much!
Williams-Sonoma has a great one! It is a little pricey and the bags are pricey, but it works FABULOUS!
I have this one and I love it. I got it a while ago and haven't replaced the battery yet. It's easy to clean. The bag is very secure. I bought it at Costco (store) for $40 but I can't find it online. Here's the same one I found but this website http://www.overstock.com/Home-Garden/Infrared-Touchless-S...
I have a rectangular SimpleHuman stainless steel step on trash can and I love it.
There is an inside box that the bag goes in-you twist the top of the bag up and stuff it through a hole on the back of the interior box and it stays there.
Also, I use the industrial size liners from Sams b/c we are trash stuffers here-when you pull the interior box out of the trashcan and free the twisty part of the bag, it's really easy to lift up the sides of the bag to catch all the extra stuff we've piled on there.
One other note about the SimpleHuman can-you can fit a pizza box into the rectangular one without the corners slicing the trash bag open. And they are really well-made. We have had ours for over 3 years and it works as well as it did when we brought it home.
Hope that helps.
I have a Simple human one I bought at Target. They don't usually have the bags, but Bed Bath & Beyond does... OR their website does. We love it. Had it for over a year (or thereabouts).