Oh my goodness yes. However I had no idea that my son was bipolar when he was little. He did so many things that confused me because my older son never did them. I just assumed he was -no pun intended-the polar opposite. Fast forward to age 18 and he was diagnosed with Bi-polar 1. It took years to understand some of the peculiar things. He was hospitalized a couple of times, used meds prescribed to him and evened off from time to time. Here would take too long to write so many indicators of things that could have been information and I hope if anyone questions their children's behavior that they research it. Sometimes they are not just lazy or stubborn or emotional.He lived in and out, attended many years of college wanting to be an actor. He is now 28, back at home, but attending an online college for business and works part time. He still sees his doctor but he has off and on done things that sadden us. I won't give up and anyone out there who wants to privately share please do so. I myself looked for a support group, got excited and signed up for a class only to find out a day before that he was too old for this particular group. Maybe we can be supportive of eachother.