Hi Suzi! Congrats on your pregnancy!
My name is M., and I'm a Childbirth educator and the librarian for the local ICAN chapter. (International Cesarean Awareness Network -of southern nevada).
The previous posters are right, having a VBAC is doable, you have to be commited, do research, prepare yourself and have a birth team that supports you. THere are drs. in las vegas who are VBAC friendly. Most of them don't "advertise" it, because they want you to do the work to find them, and "plead" your case, so they know you're commited, you also have to look into staying home as long as possible, because drs don't find it appealing to have to 'labor sit' with you and shut their day time practice, which is why doulas are important for VBACs.
So your first step would be research. Research your reasons, research what you want, inform yourself with facts so that you can 'argue' for yourself, and not be a victim of 'scare tacticts'. If your dr. won't do it, find one that will. The biggest thing is that you have choices. You can choose to have your baby in the hospital, or at home (many people VBAC at home), you can have a hospital Midwife, or an OB.
I also strongly recommend a doula, and a good CBE class. To find both of those, check out www.birthyear.net. It's a great local birth organization. The meeting is this friday, the info will be on the website. At the meeting you could get a directory of providers, that would be a great start as well.
Another important thing to do is check out www.ican-online.org. Look through the research, the white papers, and check out their online community, it's a place where you'll learn TONS, though you have to take everything with a grain of salt.
You are also welcome to attend our meetings, every third friday of the month Contact me privately and I can give you a contact number for the meeting information. Here's the link to our 'yahoo group', which you can also join for support:
best of luck! with preparation and support, you can do it! and like i said, PM if you want any more of that info.