Anyone Ever Use Bj's Brand Diapers?

Updated on July 29, 2008
B.K. asks from Warminster, PA
26 answers

Just wondering if any other moms out there have used BJ's brand diapers? Just trying to save a few dollars here and there and was just wondering since they're a little less expensive than the name brands. Thanks!

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So What Happened?

Thank You SO much for all the feedback!! I think we're going to give them a shot after we use the diapers we have now.

Featured Answers



answers from Philadelphia on

LOVE THEM!!!! After using Berkley & Jensen diapers, I will not use anything else. I started using the diapers with my second son now I use them for my twins. You have to try them!



answers from Pittsburgh on

no, but we love wal-mart brand
another good trick is to buy name brand coupons off of ebay and wait for a sale - I once spent $5 for $60 worth and w/ sale ended up getting them for $3.99/pack!



answers from Williamsport on

I've been using BJ's diapers now for over a year. I think they work just as good as the name brands. They do run a little big though, so keep that in mind if you decide to buy. They also send coupons frequently which help considerably too. Good luck!

More Answers



answers from Philadelphia on

Yes,and i used their formula also. it does save a lot of money and i never had any problems with skin irritations or leaks. my son is almost a year old and have been using them since he was about 2 months old. it does save alot of money.



answers from Philadelphia on

They work great. We used them w/ my son and didn't have any problems. Did they leak or the tabs break off? At times, but not any more frequent than the name brand diapers.

Save some money, buy the BJ's brand.



answers from Pittsburgh on

I don't have a BJ's near me but i am like you and wanted to use off brands to save money. I have used Walmarts brand (Parent's Choice) and Target's brand and they are both wonderful. I don't believe in paying extra for the "name" on anything....



answers from Philadelphia on

I did not like the BJ's brand but started buying Shoprite brand and never went back to anything else. Loved them!



answers from Allentown on

Yes, I used them for my daughter from the time that she was about 1 until she was potty trained. They were fine. I never had a problem with them, and they were alot cheaper.



answers from Pittsburgh on

I'm not familiar with BJ's brand, but if you have an ALDI near you, I used to buy the Nanny's (their brand) and they were great! AND a lot cheaper than Pampers or Huggies. Very cloth-like texture.



answers from Philadelphia on

Hi B.

I have been using BJ's brand diapers for the past 6 months or so with my daughter who is now 13 months old. I have no complaint's and they are about $13 cheaper per box than pampers. She does leak out of them at night though so I use Huggies overnights, but my son always leaked out of pampers at night so I used huggies overnights with him too. I also use the BJ's wipes as well.

If you are still unsure, they have a satisfaction guarantee written on the box so you can return them if you're not happy.



answers from Sharon on

I use the walmart parents choice on all 4 of my boys. I'venever really had a problem with diaper rash etc or leaking. I can buy a huge box for about $13.50.



answers from Pittsburgh on

Hi B. -

I haven't tried BJ's because we don't have one near us but I have tried the Giant Eagle brand which is also much cheaper than the major brands. I thought they were very good and I would definately recommend them.

Happy diapering!




answers from Allentown on

I have been using BJ's brand diapers and wipes for about the past year. I had been using Pampers but they were getting expensive. We have had no problems with the BJ's brand and they are cheaper! I would recommend them!




answers from Scranton on

I've used one box of them off of my mother in law's membership since we don't have a store nearby. My son leaks out of most of the other cheaper brands, but not BJ's. I loved them - and the price!



answers from Philadelphia on

I've tried them and they work fine. We never had any problems with them.



answers from Philadelphia on

I tried them once and actually ended up returning the entire box b/c the tabs seemed like they didn't have adhesive on them (i.e. wouldn't stick). I went straight back to Pampers (and sometimes Seventh Generation). But I guess it couldn't have a bad batch...good luck!



answers from Philadelphia on

Love them!!! I started using BJ's brand when I had my second son and they work just as well as the other brand names - but are cheaper - especially when you can find the coupons!!!



answers from Harrisburg on

Hi B.,
We have used BJ's brand diapers and wipes on our son for his whole 2.5 years of being in diapers. We have never had any problem with rash, reddness or leaking. I highly recommend them! Good luck!



answers from Allentown on

They were the only ones I used with my 2nd baby she was a massive wetter and with BJ's she stayed dry. No rash either Huggies gave her a massive rash no matter how often I changed her. the unsented wipes are great to. Even though she is potty trained I still always keep a box on hand they are great for quick clean ups.



answers from Philadelphia on

BJ's brand of diapers are very economical, however they did not work for neither my son and daughter. They would wet right through them, but my close friend raves about them and has no problems. I am a huge Pampers fan. I am a firm believer of "you get what you pay for"; well... the majority of the time.



answers from Allentown on

HI there,

Haven't used BJ's but took a chance a while ago and bought Target brand... worked great! Here's how I looked at it - if I didn't like them, I'd keep them for emergency backup or donate them to the local orphanage :)



answers from Philadelphia on

we haven't tried them but a neighbor of mine used them and said they were as close to pampers as you can get!!

we have used their wipes though and they are great!!



answers from Philadelphia on

Hi B.,

I used them in the past and they worked fine. I would make the trip to BJ's just to get diapers and save money. My son just turned 10 today and my daughter will be 5 in August. I recommend them.

Joy O



answers from Pittsburgh on

I have never used that brand, actaully never heard of it, but after a while we used the especially for kids (toys/babies r us brand) and also the walmart white cloud brand. I foudn that I liked them over pampers and huggies.



answers from Philadelphia on

i see you are going to try them... but I just wanted to give the BJ's brand another thumbs up. those are the BEST!
i recommend them to everyone... we've used them the entire time for both of my daughters, and never ever had a problem with anything. I like them better than the name brands.
Love their wipes too... and their formula. anything BJ's brand is awesome really!!!!!!



answers from Philadelphia on

My daughter broke out in a horrible rash from them we will never use them again.

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