I had high blood pressure during my first pregnancy. So like you I had lots of ultrasounds to check the babys health and growth. My baby girl always measured small. always 25% sometimes smaller. I was concerned and asked the dr... My dr. said "people come in all sizes and even the top and bottom 10% are normal.."
She was born at 6 15 on her due date. she grew very slowly.. and at one year was only 17 6 - which put her at the 5% for weight. by 15 months.. she was up to 18 8 - so she fell of the growth chart. she is so light that she isnt even on the chart.
She is perfectly healthy. she has had 1 cold and 1 stomach flu in her life. she has never been to the dr. becuase she was sick.
DONT WORRY... your baby is fine.. the only reason you know about this is the extra ultrasounds... If you were having a "normal- low risk" pregnancy- you would only have 1 ultrasound and you would not have all this scary info..
I am now pregant with my second child- a boy- I have only have th normal ultrasounds. and he is measuring average. so he will probably be a bit bigger than his puny sister..