I had a very similar situation. I never felt engorged, my son had a good latch at the hospital and at my lactation appt on day 3 or 4. He lost almost 10% of his body weight by day 5, so I had to supplement. I have friends who breastfed for a year, and I was prepared to do the same. When I gave him his first bottle I cried so hard. I felt like I was giving my baby poison! There is so much information about how wonderful breastfeeding is for your baby, but no one really talks about when it doesn’t work. I met with a LC 2 or 3 times after going home from the hospital. I tried everything, from the tea, fenugreek capsules, a supplemental nursing system (allows the baby to have formula while also sucking at the breast, something I didn’t know was even possible!), and pumping after feedings to try to increase supply. My LC said that it’s possible that I don’t have enough glandular tissue to make enough milk. So I would breastfeed and then follow up with a bottle. During the night my husband gives a bottle and I pump. I’ve been back to work for a month and I pump twice while there, even though I never get more than 2 oz. I think my baby is getting about 20% breastmilk. I struggle daily with trying to decide if I should stop, but I enjoy the bonding when I am at home. Is it worth the time and hassle for such little milk?
I’d say definitely give it a try with your future children. As long as you are aware of what might happen, it doesn’t hurt to try. Good luck! You’re not alone.